Friday, July 6, 2012

'Obesity paradox:' High BMI linked to better heart outcomes

by Allison Floyd
Published in FierceHealthcare

Contrary to the widely accepted view that a lower BMI yields better health, research shows obesity and a larger waist size are linked to better outcomes in heart failure patients, according to a new UCLA study published online Sunday in the American Journal of Cardiology. While 50 percent to 66 percent of patients with heart failure are obese, the new study shows those patients suffering from advanced heart failure with high BMI were slightly less likely to suffer from adverse effects.

This phenomenon, known as "the obesity paradox" demonstrates that although obesity increases heart failure, it may also provide some preventative benefits to patients after it has manifested. These benefits include increased muscle mass and levels of serum lipoproteins that act as an anti-inflammatory.

Read more: 'Obesity paradox:' High BMI linked to better heart outcomes - FierceHealthcare