Friday, January 15, 2010

My Completely Useless, But Fun, Best Foods Ever List

Nov. 7, 2007 - The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate is unveiled at the Serendipity-3 restaurant in New York City. Guinness World Records determined the $25,000 frozen hot chocolate was the most expensive dessert in the world.

January 15, 2010 – I still haven't gotten any. Nor do I understand any idiot who would pay $25,000 for a dessert item. How do these people keep their money?

 More down to earth, these are some of my favorite things to pick up at specific locations (and none of them cost over $25):

#1 - Wegman's brand Chocolate Milk.  Cream O' Weber in Utah was my favorite, but 15 years out I don't remember exactly how the two brands stack up.  But Wegmans is good.  I don't know what the mix is or how creamy the starting product but it puts other brands and mixes to shame.  This is a brand to hide from the kids.  They can drink the Nestle and the Ovaltine.  Leave my Wegmans Chocolate Milk alone!

#2 - Shearers Baked Cheese Curls (Giant Eagle).  I am not a cheesy poof lover.  They make you have orange sticky fingers that can be traced through 3 counties and they gum up your teeth.  Not worth the trouble.  Most of them are pretty tasteless or nasty anyway.  Not Shearers.  I actually will put up with discoloration just to down a half bag (or more) of these.

#3 - Goya Brand Guarana (Tops).  Guarana: the official soft drink of Brazil.  Delicious.  Wish they sold Antarctica brand here but... enough said.

#4 - Mighty Fine Donuts (Erie PA).  Krispy Kreme - sugary dough.  Winchell's - kid stuff.  Dunkin Donuts - maybe worth the trip for the coffee, but for real melt-in-your-mouth donuts, head for Parade Street and Mighty Fine Donuts.  Show up early to get your fresh pick.  Some varieties go fast.

#5 - Graeter's Ice Cream (Ohio locations).  Best ice cream since Nellie Thames' homemade ice cream for the church picnic in Beaufort South Carolina.

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