Monday, July 5, 2010


In my quest to make known my favorite humor blog, the Wacky Deli, I present the following:

10. Betsy Ross’s original design for the American flag incorporated a big leaf like Canada’s.

9. Perhaps not surprisingly, Betsy was also treasurer of Philadelphia’s “Flag Knitters Who Love Reefer” club.

8. Everyone thought Benedict Arnold was a loyal, upstanding guy until the Kitty Kelley book came out.

7. Thomas Jefferson’s porn star name is “Hugh Cucumber.”

6. Angry delegates almost left before signing the Declaration of Independence after John Adams forgot to bring the donuts that day.

5. Disturbing lack of founding fathers named “Steve.”

4. The Liberty Bell got its crack when Lindsay Lohan’s great, great, great grandfather Jebediah Lohan drunkenly drove a stagecoach into it.

3. The British Army relied heavily on sasquatch mercenaries in the Revolutionary War.

2. To beat the summer heat, George Washington liked to preside over the Continental Congress pantless.

1. And if historical accounts are to be believed, let’s just say Mrs. Washington was a very, very lucky lady.

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