Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prayer for Election Day

I know that my taxes will go up whether I vote Democrat or Republican.  The past 4 years of Democratic control and the 6 years of Republican control before that has taught me I can expect more legal plunder.
I can live with it if Reid or Angle wins.  I don’t make enough to see that my life really changes if Murray defeats Rossi or Boxer takes down Fiorina.
Barking Moonbat
But please, if there is any justice in the universe, just don’t let Alan Grayson win another term. 
Some of Grayson’s greatest hits:
·   “The Republican plan is don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly."
·    Linda Robertson (aide to Fed Chair, Ben Bernanke) is a "K Street whore."
·    Sarah Palin is a “half-baked Alaskan.” Actually, that’s kind of funny.
·    “Taliban Dan.”

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