#1: Humble Brag
Example: "Facebook seems to be the perfect place for this. How many status reads have actually been humble brags?" – post on Elizabeth Runs blog, February 25, 2011 |
#2: Planking
Example: "Planking has achieved notoriety as an online fad, as people try to plank in the most unlikely places." – Los Angeles Times, July 28, 2011 |
![]() Example: "Capgras delusion can be brought about by a variety of conditions – changes in brain chemistry associated with different mental illnesses, or physical trauma to the brain – but the delusion always involves the distinct feeling that the people around you have been replaced by impostors." – Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, NPR Morning Edition, March 30, 2010 |
Example: "[Justin Bieber] says he was inspired to get involved in the campaign because of the Alex Brown Foundation, which is a charity named after a teenager who died because he was driving while intexticated." – Darian Demetri, Teenchive.com, July 20, 2011 |
![]() (noun) : something that fails completely Example: "Righting the struggling economy through saner, sounder fiscal policies is not the only issue that should be ranked an 'epic fail' on Capitol Hill over the last decade." – Sid Salter, ClarionLedger.com, Aug. 9, 2011 |
Example: "Over the weekend, I worked on filling two more storage tubs for our local consignment store, as I do every month. ... Regularly consigning two tubs of stuff ... is how I prevent 'stuffocation.'" – post on WantingWhatYouHave.com, September 13, 2010 |
#7: Kidult
Example: "But alpha male has been superseded by omega male, the under-achieving, low-testosterone kidult who lounges at the other end of the blokey spectrum, playing computer games and watching Lost." – Kevin Courtney, Irish Times, July 30, 2011 |
Example: "The cast of 'Jersey Shore' has arrived. Everyone's favorite tanorexic reality stars claimed they had made it after appearing in cartoon form on 'South Park' Wednesday." – Soraya Roberts, New York Daily News, October 14, 2010 |
Example: "A man riding a longboard has hilariously demonstrated how not to dismount while speeding down a road in Portugal." – NineMSN.com, July 22, 2011 |
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