Friday, March 26, 2010

Obamacare - Bill O'Reilly vs. Congressman Anthony Weiner.

The problem with the healthcare debate is the debate.  When you read what is in the bill and actually quote the bill verbatim, the other side claims, oh, that's not true. MSNBC has spent a lot of time "debunking healthcare bill myths" that have been "made up" when the language they claim they are debunking is actually in the bill.  It's amazing the amount of denial and deception exhibited by the left every time flaws in the bill are brought up; that and the typical strawman arguments.  The left are masters of the strawman fallacy.

Nancy Pelosi's approach is actually more honest, heaven help us.  She says we will have to pass the bill to see what's in the bill.  This is actually an honest comment.  Nobody knows what the heck this thing is going to do to us.  But at least admitting she's clueless is a shot of integrity.  She hasn't read the bill, she doesn't know anyone who has, and it will be someone's future doctoral thesis project to even analyze and interpret it. 

Then we have the approach embraced by Anthony Weiner (D-NY9).  Weiner has decided to basically call any uncomfortable (unpopular) aspect in the bill madeup.  His style is to ignore the question and attack the messenger.  This video is a riot.  Bill O'Reilly can be a jerk, but Congressman Weiner takes weinie approach to a whole new level (sorry, I couldn't resist).  Why won't Weiner answer the darn question?  If it is in the law, then why is he evading answering.  Why?  Because Weiner doesn't want to admit what O'Reilly wants him to admit.  So instead he plays the stupid liberal game of deny and attack.  But this silent treatment thing is a brand new approach in politics.  Of course, it's worked in marriage for a longtime.  He takes a shot at it here.  I almost think he expected Bill to send him flowers and chocolate the next day.  This is golden.

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